
Matcha Tea Case Study

Our project in a nutshell:

  1. We took care of the import from Japan to the Czech Republic
  2. We ensured everything so that Matcha Tea could be sold on the Czech market
  3. We came up with the packaging of the traditional drink of the Samurai and other Matcha products
  4. We created a new brand including a complete corporate identity 
  5. We managed health tests and organic certification
  6. We launched a new product on the market for end-up customers as well as within B2B
  7. We ensured continuous marketing support

Realized packaging

Naturálek Case Study

In short, what was our task: 

  1. perform a complete redesign of the logo
  2. offer a complete corporate identity
  3. Take care of copywrithig at the level of basic headlines
  4. Develop a series of recommendations to improve communication on social networks
  5. Recommend changes on the e-shop

Demonstration of implementation